How to request for ON-SITE COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing (Result 24 Hrs)
1) On-Site Real time RT-PCR Testing
- Samples will be collected from nasal and throat.
- The result and medical certificate(Option) will be ready within 24 hours after we collect the specimen.
- The result and medical certificate will include all these information; your name, date of birth, nationality, passport number, testing method and test result. It will also state whether you have any COVID-19 related symptoms or not.
- We will send you the scanned COVID-19 test report and Fit to Fly Medical certificate (Option) only through the given email address within 24 hours.
- The COVID-19 test report and medical certificate will be issued in English.
2) The expense - On-Site Real time RT-PCR - The cost for this test
- Option 1 is 1,990 THB + on-site service fee (No fit to fly medical certificate)
- Option 2 is 2,090 THB + on-site service fee (Include a fit to fly medical certificate)
- On-Site Service Fee - depends on where you are staying. or the place you want us to travel to test. on-site service fee, we only charge once. If you have multiple people who want to to do on-site covid testing in the same location, you pay the on-site service fee only once.
- On-Site Service Fee - Patong Beach 1,000 THB, Phuket Town 1,200 THB, Karon Beach 1,200 THB, Kata Beach 1,200 THB, Chalong Bay 1,200 THB, Nai Harn Beach 1,500 THB, Ya Nui Beach 1,800 THB, Rawai Beach 1,500 THB, Kamala Beach 1,200 THB, Surin Beach 1,300 THB, Laguna Phuket 1,500 THB, Bangtao Beach 1,500 THB, Naithon Beach 1,800 THB, Layan Beach 1,800 THB, Nai Yang Beach 2,000 THB, Phuket Airport 2,000 THB, Maikhao Beach 2,500 THB, Sai Kaew Beach 2,500 THB, Ao Po Beach 2,500 THB, Cape Yamu Beach 1,800 THB, Siray Bay Beach 1,800 THB, Boat Lagoon Phuket 1,200 THB,Ao Yon Beach 1,500 THB, Ao Makham Beach 1,600 THB, Panwa Beach 1,800 THB, Choeng Thale 1,500 THB, Tha Lang 1,500 THB, Pa klok 1,800 THB, Kathu 1,200 THB (Apart from this You can inquire)
- You will pay on the day us visit you at your hotel.
3) We will perform specimen collection (swab) every day, during these times only.
- We will do Swab every day from 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
- This service date and time apply to On-Site COVID-19 Testing services only.
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Tag : On-Site RT-PCR
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